Hello. This is my website.

That’s me.

I can help you with:

Digital Content + Partners
Online Fundraising
Political Strategy
Social Media + Culture

I’m a digital strategist who’s passionate about progressive politics, making change, and moving the Overton window. I used to work as a cultural analyst for Fortune 500 brands, distilling insights from social conversations and trends into relevant owned and partner content. Now, I work as a strategist for political campaigns and organizations creating content and raising small-dollar money online.

If you’re a brand looking for help from an agency, I can highly recommend We Are Social. If you’re a progressive campaign or organization looking for a firm, come chat with us at Middle Seat.

Otherwise, I’d love to lend you hand.

I’ve been lucky enough to work for folks like these:

And to have worked with brands like these:

So… what is the point of this website?

The bottom line is: I really like to help elect progressive candidates to public office. I want to use my skills to inform your social and other digital content and to determine how your message can best reach different digital audiences, in ways informed by user behavior. And also to raise a ton of money.

If you work for a candidate or an organization, hit me up, I’d love to help you out. And if you’re so inclined, you can likely find me complaining about politics and sports on Twitter.

You can almost see my house from here.

You can almost see my house from here.